
Veritart receives from the lawyer Dr. Antonio Enrique Saavedra Molina, Venezuelan identification N°1.718.322, as representative of the owner of the art work, a collage attributed to Pablo Ruiz Picasso in order to perform a physical-chemical, artistic and calligraphic expert study in scientific terms to explains the technical status about the art work and the grounds that justify its authenticity.

Presentation of the expertized company

Veritart is a Company dedicated to the expert analysis of artworks, which has a model of expertizing that brings together the latest advances in morphological decoding and authentification of signatures-rubrics and an advanced technological platform of physio- chemical evaluation of the constituent elements of the of the artwork. Both analytical lines respond scientifically to the international standards of dating and authentication.

The head of the Company is Mg. Evelyn Aguilera Arce, of legal age, ID No. 13.925.352-3, address for services at Avenida Providencia 2331, of. 502, Providencia neighborhood, city of Santiago de Chile.

Active Handwriting Expert and Graphology Expert, making reports at public and private level.

Professional license No. 336 P.C.G. (Handwriting and Graphology Expert) at A. P. E. J. U. G. R. A. C. (Professional Association of Legal Experts in Graphological and Criminological Sciences).

Earned a degree in Handwriting Expertise awarded by the Institute of Criminological Sciences(I.N.C.I.C.), officially approved by A. P. E. J. U. G. R. A. C. and by the Spanish

Association of Criminologists of Galicia.

Degree in Psychology from the University of Arts, Sciences and Communications, Santiago de Chile.

Delegate in Chile of the Professional Association of Legal Experts in Graphological and Criminological Sciences of Spain.

Master's Degree in Documentoscopy and Graphology awarded by the University of Barcelona.

Academic Director and Teacher at Ingpec Ltd. Director of Forensic Studies at Grafogestion Consultant.

Director at Veritart.

Co-director of the postgraduate program: Specialization in Grafología y Neuroescritura, at Funiber en-grafologia-y-neuroescritura/direccion-academica/

Head Teacher of the Master 's in Documentoscopy and Graphology of the University of Barcelona, in effect in the year 2011.

Teacher of the Research Doctorate in Forensic Science, del Doctorado en Investigación de las Ciencias Forenses of CFP, Puebla México.

Expert in authentification of signatures of works of art.

Veritart Company has a multidisciplinary team of professionals who report the scientific evidence as individual or on behalf of Universities Institutions or museums. This work is reported and endorsed by Mrs. Evelyn Aguilera Arce as director of Veritart.