Interview with Dr. Enrique Saavedra Molina

I.- What is the extent and implications of the Picasso Authentification execrase? Legal aspect. French law recognizes to the heirs of Pablo Picasso the moral right that assists them of certifying the authenticity of the works of his father, by the innate or acquired knowledge that they have on these works, fruit of the treatment and the familiar coexistence with the artist. The heirs of Pablo Picasso have concentrated on the person of Claude Ruiz Picasso, the right granted them by the French law of certifying authenticity. The validity of this right is temporary, and territorially only subscribes to the French territory. Commercial aspect. The big auctioneers of works of art, as Sotheby's and Christie's, do not accept works of Picasso, if previously they have not been certified by Claude Ruiz Picasso. So, according to Claudia Andrieu, Legal Counsel of the Picasso Administration and associate close to Claude Ruiz Picasso: "It is very important, for us, that there is a single authority competent of protecting the Picasso market ". Note that it is estimated that Picasso executed some 50,000 works and that only about 25,000 are certified. That way you can understand what it means to protect the Picasso market. II.- In reference to the collage "Suitcase for two violins", Picasso Authentication, certified the work that your analyzed scientifically? Claude Picasso is not certified our collage "Suitcase for two violins", only limited, an express through a Secretary, who did not believe that the work had been executed by the hand of his father. For that reason, according to French law, we have the right to go to the competent courts in France, to require Claude Picasso to certify its authenticity with the support of the reasoned opinion of experts. Otherwise, if that it refuses to do it by the experienced expert, we are at liberty to assert the scientific certification that the work currently own.